Things that are annoying. Enjoy.
Diet pop drinkers:
People who chew and breathe loudly:
People who don't answer texts:
Copy cats and one uppers. Have you no originality or character?
Being called a bitch:
Men when they get colds:
Speaking of which, also periods:
People who do not understand my humor:
People who just don't get me:
These people:
People with bad grammar:
Boob sweat:
This person:
When this happens:
Close minded people. (Not everyone and everything can or has to fit inside the little box you've limited your life to. Also, if everyone was exactly the same, the world would be very boring, especially for you, because you wouldn't have anyone to talk about....)
People who think MY uterus/procreation is their business. (NEWSFLASH: IT ISN'T.)
Also people who automatically assume pregnancy if a female mentions feeling sick or having a hankering for a certain food.
Parents who say things like "Oh, just wait till you try doing that with kids!" and "Oh, you think YOU'RE stressed? Try having kids!" and especially "You don't want kids?! HOW could you not want kids?!" (<-- I have an extensive knowledge of what having kids is like. Does that answer your question?) And ESPECIALLY people who think couples, but especially women, could never possibly have a fulfilling life without giving birth to offspring. NEWSFLASH: NOT TRUE. People without kids have various reasons, and usually they're none of your business, and most definitely NOT your place to judge. And whatever the reasons, it is perfectly possible and acceptable for a couple to decide not to procreate. There are lots of different purposeful, fulfilling callings in life, and while parenthood is definitely important, it's not for everyone.
Cheers! Xoxo
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